What’s Going On?!

Ok, I admit – my blog has been a bit neglected of late. I’ve only been on twitter and facebook sporadically, my inbox has 1500 messages I need to sort out, I’ve been picking up books and setting them down, unable to concentrate and focus… I found out I was being made redundant, but it’s still not clear when… So, basically, things have been a bit like this…

Source: http://www.atypicallyrelevant.com/

So what has been going on?! Well, my novel has been out on submission, and I’ve had loads of very encouraging feedback… and to cut a long story short, I’m now working on a bit of a re-write – an edit, adding some words in, taking some out… this has so far involved lots of note scribbling and quite a bit of this…

Source: http://keithingtonb.wordpress.com/

and quite a bit of this…

Source: drmlifecoach.wordpress.com

But now, I have a plan… and it goes a bit like this…

Source: seejanepublish.wordpress.com

So what have you all been up to?? πŸ™‚

6 thoughts on “What’s Going On?!

  1. So sorry to hear about your job. Tht must be so devastating. Really pleased that after much heart-ache and soul-searching you’ve got a PLAN. And I love the post and illustrations – you put it perfectly. Hang on in there and don’t give up. Wishing you all the very very best. Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison πŸ™‚ The job thing is not so much devastating as annoying – not knowing when makes it hard to make decisions! But I am looking forward to the change – I see good things in the future πŸ™‚ xx

  2. Good luck with the novel (and everything else)! I left NZ at the start of October to return to the UK with no job to come back to, so I can relate to your worries. These things always work out in the end, though.

  3. Love those pictures! I’m a bit in the same boat. Had some constructive criticism recently which hurt a bit and am now mega rewriting too. It’s a lot of work and is a slow, slightly painful process! I try to tell myself the book will be better for it. Keep going, you’ve written a whole book so you know you’re capable of the hard work. Try and stay positive. Keep in touch and maybe we can support each other πŸ™‚ (Sorry about the job, hope you get something sorted soon x)

    1. Thanks Lynne – sorry to hear you were stung by the crit… mine was more just trying to consolidate different bits of feedback and work out what to do – and now I *think* I know, so it shouldn’t take too long… I hope!! I’m not too worried about the job thing, it’ll work out for the best – just wish I had more time at the moment to nail the book! I’ll DM you my email and we can keep in touch re the edits? πŸ™‚ xx

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